The new year just began having new goals on mind, travel and improve our lifestyle are the most common ,get fitter, eat healthy are the priorities but the hardest to archive because it involve a change on your routine and keep high motivated for longer to archive your fitness results .
An study from Sranton University ,Pensilvania, It had concluded that only 8% of the population archived their goals in 2016,being loss weight the first aim . For this reason , let’s think about the steps we are taking forward and if we are on the right direction. Maybe you joined to the gym attending it for years without getting your goals and getting frustrated .So here we go, please find out a few path ways that it could help you to go on the right direction to get closer to your goals:
Join to a gym: This is the first step ,but once you are in ,maybe you will feel a little bit lost between treadmills and weights , jumping to the cardio area a little bit shy and avoiding weights thinking that they are for the experts. A sports center is a great place of tools, but of course even know how to use it, you will need a individual tailored program focus on your goals including a nutrition advice to help you out.

Work on the right Heart rate zones , 3-4 sessions at week at least 4 months , they are some details that you need to considered. If you are going to the gym, checking your phone without putting attention to the goal of the session, you will improve your health, but you will struggle to archive your goal.
2.Boutique gyms: The new trend are gym based on specific workouts, from 1 hour interval training on a treadmill or circuit training including mobility and weights. This is a good option to work out of your comfortable zone and get committed with our training routine working on the right level.It is a good session that maybe it will have an approach to your aim than go to a standard gym without aim.
2. Personal Training session: Have a professional that look after your goals definalty will help you ,but it is not everything. Caloric balance is important and do your session properly without looking after your diet,it will be always hard to get your aim. However, if you considered to compromise with yourself, I will recommend a personal trainer for someone who doesn’t have an idea about how to start and a trainer will look after your technique or if you struggle to follow the right intensity of the workout that you need for your goal,a trainer always will be there to give you the right advice and keep you motivated all the way.

3. Online training: This option is for people that are really high committed with their training routine, focus on what they are doing and also they know the basic about fitness tools and technique or at least someone to supervise or available for doubts. Coaching for races,performance goals or loss weight are the most common inquiries,but everything is based on the individual motivation and consistence.
4. 12 weeks guide program: We can see they are many options available online, some of them with a great content .It is really important to filter this information and check if the guide adjusts to your level of fitness and if it based on a healthy way to get your goals. Archive goals in a really short period of time is what we would like to ,but not all the methods are correct, too fast too soon could be negative for your health. So please check and review background and also ask to any professional before to start any magic diet or program . If it is a good one, perfect, the only thing you need is be committed one more time.
As you can see ,they are a few options to get fit, but it is all about to choose the right way for our individual needs. In my opinion, the first ,third and forth, I would recommend for a intermediate- advanced and really committed individual that only need to get the right information to get closer to their goals. But if you struggle with motivation ,a personal trainer will be the help you need.

Have a lovely week!
Miriam Xx